Monday, May 31, 2004
Crash Testing: MINI Cooper vs Ford F150
gladwell dot com / Big and Bad
Sunday, May 30, 2004
OJR article: To Their Surprise, Bloggers�Are Force for Change in Big Media
frontline: the way the music died: interviews: david crosby | PBS
The Fishbowl: The Mac is a Harsh Mistress
KIDDofSPEED - GHOST TOWN - Chernobyl Pictures - Kidofspeed - Elena
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Rumsfeld bans camera phones in Iraq - report - After Saddam -
the land of the free strikes again
so glad we are its best friend arent you? johnnie h accomplice after the fact - nifty, mischievous and snappy
Art Search - Art Directory & Art World Link Partner : Main
Hey Annie, Caheck out this one It's art for the people all over
well it brought a smile to my lips anyway
but then i have a warped sense of humour getting more warped every day
Saturday, May 22, 2004
A Sudden Illness - How My Life Changed, by Laura Hillenbrand
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Point of Focus >> Focus Wavs >> Introduction
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Women in Business and Businesswomen
Redhead Blogs.. We Blog With Attitude! A Webring for Redheads.. Flaming Tresses & Red Hot Tempers!
KAHN - SELESNICK - Homepage - Official Site
BlogPulse [BETA]: Automated Trend Discovery for Weblogs
Wired News: How the Word Gets Around
"The blogosphere has a strange ability to push a seemingly obscure idea into the forefront of people's minds in a heartbeat. How this happens is a bit of a mystery. Sam Arbesman wanted to know how it works, so he created a meme and set it loose.
The Brandeis University senior had been reading various studies that looked at historical data on the way information works its way across the Internet. But he was more interested in seeing if he could figure out, in real time, the trajectory of a meme once it hits the blogosphere. So he came up with a plan to find out. He called it the Memespread Project. "
Friday, May 07, 2004