
Sunday, August 01, 2004

creative action - psychodrama, sociodrama and art courses by Ken Sprague

creative action - psychodrama, sociodrama and art courses by Ken Sprague: "Action for Personal and Social Change
Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Art Courses by Ken Sprague
WHAT'S it all about?
I just celebrated my 75th birthday. It was a good day, a relief from a darkening world. It's a darkness that I am not going into quietly. Here are the courses that I want to run in the coming years, and why!
Brenda Ueland says that we must all use our creative abilities 'because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate, so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money.'
Those are characteristics and attitudes needed if social justice is to be achieved. We need to move the letter 'C' in 'reaction' to make the greater word 'creation'. My courses are about changing our reactions to current problems, (whether motorways, war or human relationships), in a creative way.
Ken Sprague, Lynton

Item posted by Rob @ 8/01/2004 03:49:00 pm ACDST U+9.30 |
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