
Friday, August 13, 2004

Reason: John Perry Barlow 2.0: The Thomas Jefferson of cyberspace reinvents his body -- and his politics.

Reason: John Perry Barlow 2.0: The Thomas Jefferson of cyberspace reinvents his body -- and his politics. : "In 1996 Barlow became the Thomas Jefferson of the wired generation by authoring the doc forwarded %u2019round the world, 'A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.' In it, he famously declared to all governments that cyberspace was 'naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us....Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are based on matter. There is no matter here.'
Barlow recently surprised many of his libertarian friends by announcing that merely living a bohemian libertarian lifestyle was no longer sufficient. For most of his public career, Barlow had emphasized staking out one’s liberty in your personal life and in the arena of ideas, not the scrum of partisan politics. Now he feels very differently: He believes that the combination of George W. Bush and the rise of "plutocratic" corporations requires direct political engagement, and that getting rid of Bush overrides any other personal or political concerns. "

Item posted by Rob @ 8/13/2004 05:23:00 pm ACDST U+9.30 |
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