
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Margo Kingston's Webdiary - smh.com.au

"So Australia is to go the way of all states 'democratic' and ignore our constitution? We may not have a bill of rights, people, but we DO have a constitution.

Read it carefully. and then put it in to practice. OUR founding fathers envisaged a place where people had a voice and would not have to fight for it, but, slowly, slowly we have allowed government after governement to erode those fundamental rights, freedoms and responsibilities. They now do it in the name of 'security', draconian legislation of a type one formerly found in the old USSR - detention without charge, non-acsess to representation, denial of Habeus Corpus, these things ARE happening and this is not a conspiracy theory, this is happening and we watch it on the evening news and let it happen.

It was said that the people get the governement they deserve. The only way to stop these freedoms and rights being eroded is to take our citizenship seriously, take our responsibilities as citizens seriously and get active, get loud and get moving."

Item posted by Rob @ 12/21/2004 08:59:00 am ACDST U+9.30 |
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