
Monday, July 11, 2005

Adelaide Festival of Ideas 2005

What is to be done?
A stimulating weekend. Values, prejudices and perceptions validated.
I think it was Diedre who encouraged us to wholeheartedly embrace referring to celebrities with a single name.
This list of speakers fill out some detail and is interesting reading anyway.
I didn't get to see Germaine though I did hear her through the speaker in the central tent. She still likes boys and the boy in the man.
Muted debate over whether the Imam was smug or serene, contemptuous after more significant engagements in the middle east or jet-lagged. He started with Jesus.
New Zealander Vivian http://radio.adelaide.edu.au/festivalofideas/audio05/healing_unemployment.mp3 exemplified the bicultural integration and told heartening tales of long walks and intense meetings to get people employed and Helen elected.
John educated the ignorant on
Blogs wikis and creative commons and left me wondering whether it is simply too early to make real sense of it all. He's actually much more handsome than that pic on his blog makes you think.
Jack did a campaign speech for the Greens on request.
Sara wowed us: hopefully the medium was the message as her performance is still vivid.
Jenny gave us hope with tales of courage and good sense and human collaboration.
Not the whole thing however the cat demands to be fed ...

Item posted by Rob @ 7/11/2005 09:02:00 am ACDST U+9.30 |
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